School Accountability

WISEdash Public Portal

Districts are required by statute to publish data about their schools and enable a comparison of data to all state school districts. We offer you this information via the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's Wisconsin Information System for Education Data Dashboard (WISEdash) site.

Click Here to use the WISEdash Public Portal

Wisconsin School Report Card

Wisconsin uses school and district report cards to provide information to families about their local schools. As part of the state accountability system, the report cards measure important pieces of data that shed light on how a school or district is doing and where it can improve. The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) releases State Report Cards in November. They include data on multiple indicators across four Priority Areas:

Student Achievement proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics on the annual state assessment

Student Growth measured by year-to-year progress in ELA and math achievement

Closing Gaps in performance between specific student groups (comparing English language learners, low-income students, students with disabilities, and members of a racial or an ethnic grip with their peers)

On-track and Postsecondary Readiness -showing reliable predictors of how many students are on track to graduate from high school and student readiness for post-high school success

Schools and districts are also evaluated on their level of student engagement - chronic absenteeism rates and dropout rates - when applicable.

District and individual school report cards can be accessed below:

DPI State Report Card