School District Performance
The Wheatland J1 School District has continued a pattern of excellence on Wisconsin's measure for school performance. For the last two years Wheatland has either exceeded expectations or significantly exceeded expectations. While this is only one measure of success, it echoes what other assessments and non academic indicators have been pointing to, the students and staff at Wheatland are getting results.
Over the last 5 years open enrollment in has increased dramatically, while open enrollment out has decreased. Overwhelmingly, students and parents are making the choice to come to Wheatland for a strong academic foundation, however, that is only one measure of the great things happening at Wheatland. Over 80% of Wheatland students in 4th-8th grade participate in a co-curricular activity or club. Over a third of Wheatland students extend their school year by attending a robust 6 week summer program that offers incredible opportunities for enrichment. Wheatland is recognized as a state leader in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics instruction and we are at the forefront of technology instruction and professional development for our students and staff. We offer no-cut after school programming, expanded electives such as leadership, journalism and robotics, and we offer multiple opportunities for high school credit as well as a Personalized Learning Academy for 7th and 8th grade students. Finally, we have a phenomenal group of dedicated and highly trained teachers that put students first.
In the coming years we will continue to focus on improved achievement for all students and we will address other immediate needs such as financial constraints, aging facilities and increased competition for great teachers. With a keen focus on continuous improvement we will address these future challenges as we strive to provide a world-class education for the students we serve. The Wheatland School Community will continue its focus on improvement as we strive for excellence every day.