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What is PATHS?

PATHS is a hands-on, goal oriented environment where students help co-create their learning based on standards and interests. Learning is guided by the teacher and tailored to each individual’s strengths, needs, and personal interests. PATHS students will have an integrated approach to Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies, allowing for project based assessments and further learning in areas of interest, while ensuring students get the foundational knowledge they will need to thrive.

Who can apply and be involved?

Students who will be in 7th and 8th grade for the 2023-24 school year and have an interest in an exciting new opportunity to own and extend their learning beyond the classroom should enroll in PATHS.  

What is the difference between the PATHS program and the current traditional program?

Students in PATHS will be directly involved in designing their own learning. With the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher they will learn to integrate and connect their content knowledge to rigorous and relevant authentic projects, all while honing critical problem solving skills. Students will be engaged in a single environment with multiple teachers guiding their learning.

What will be the same for PATHS students?

Students in the PATHS Academy will have the same rigorous curricular expectations that all Wheatland students have. Their instruction will be guided by the same board approved standards and they will take part in all local and state assessments to ensure they are continuing to excel. PATHS Students will also have the same elective options and will participate in a traditional math course with all other Wheatland students.

PATHS Guiding Principles

PATHS Presentation to School Board 2/24